Friday, September 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Today is my brothers birthday! He is lucky to share a Birthday with my new little guy. Well it is now 1:30 and I am only at a 4. i was hoping to progress a little faster. I went ahead and asked for the epidural because the sciatic nerve pain shooting down my butt, hip, and leg are unbearable. so, i am hanging out, breathing through the contractions while i wait. more soon...

1 comment:

The Bray Family said...

Well, by this time you probably have met your little guy face to face! That is so exciting! I cant wait to hear the details as soon as you are ready to blog again!
And really, September 12th is a much better day to be born than September 11 but sorry it dragged on so long, I know that is miserable. But worth it!
