Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Jacob is Home!!

Jacob graduated from his BOLC3 (Basic Officer Leadership Course 3) school last Friday. Obviously I couldn't make it because I am 3 weeks away from having a baby... But his dad was there to take pictures for me. Here is my handsome soldier in his uniform.

We are so proud of his accomplishments while he was there. He won the Mantia Award. It is a leadership award that 1 soldier in his class gets. Out of 55 guys (1 of those being a girl) he was one of three who was nominated by his peers for this award. Then he had to go in front of an interview board and answer questions about current events, the history of the award, and situational questions concerning what he learned while he was there. He ended up winning the award! We are so proud of him. He recieved an army acheivment medal and this will be on his record. Yea!! 5 months away from his family... at least he accomplished something :)


The Bray Family said...

Hi Amanda! I found your blog when I started my own....brayfamilyfive.blogspot.com
I am so glad Jacob is home! I am sure you and Trinity are feeling more complete now.
Soon, the baby will be here! Yea!

Jenn said...

Got your note - congrats on them enducing! Good luck! Will you email me your mailing address? Just email to jennifer.magnone@yahoo.com . Thanks Ma'am!
