Well, we have been just a little bit busy the past few weeks. We have finally moved to Corpus Christi and are trying to get settled in. A blog on that subject is coming soon with pictures of our journey and our new home.
We got all moved in the weekend before Thanksgiving and had a few days to unpack before we headed off to Houston to see my dad and family. It was a lot of fun with kiddos running around everywhere. Next year we will have one more addition to the cousins with my brother's first little girl Ella Grace. We can't wait! We had a nice relaxing time. Here are a few pics. my brother-in-law fell in love with the Wii which is hilarious if you know him. Not a video game type of guy.
Big Sis Kenley dragging around Kyle
Mae Mae
Aunt Jamie and Lil' Gavin
Sarah kickin booty at Wii
Lil' Stinker Seth (my little brother!!)
Cade learning good things from Uncle Seth ;)
Uncle Jeremy
After a fun filled few days, we headed back to our mess of a home at "the beach" as Trinity calls it. We have been trying to get all this mess figured out since then. The other night, before Jacob had to head to work and clean up like an Army boy again, I took some pictures of him on the beach. I thought they were really good. I loved the sky.

And the last thing on my updates: It is confirmed that I have a BIG boy! Gavin went for a checkup today and he is 12.5lbs and 24 inches long. He is 75th percentile in weight and 90th in height. I knew he liked to eat, now I know why. He is growing so fast that he stays starving all the time!!!
More to come soon! that's all for now.
Those are cute. I am glad you guys are getting settled in a little bit. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the new town!!
Hey Amanda! I didn't know that you had another baby until I found your blog but congrats! Aren't baby boys the best??? Good luck in your new city and new home and keep in touch!!
He may measure big on the scales but Gavin still seems so tiny! He definitely looks long though. Glad you guys had a good holiday despite being in the middle of transition! That is awesome!
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