YES, Trinity started school today. It is not kindergarten, but it is preschool. Very structured and full time like kindergarten. Uniforms, lunchboxes, backpacks and all. She was so excited, maybe a little more so about new clothes and new friends than learning itself. But that is what school is about, isn't it. A social experience as well as a learning one.
Here are some cute pictures of her this morning before her Daddy took her to her first day of school.
This summer seemed to go really fast. We had Garrett for 5 weeks which was the longest he has ever stayed with us. It was so much fun! He was such a good helper and a good big brother. Trinity had so much fun with him around. Yesterday when she woke up, she asked where he was :( I had to tell her that he went home to his mommy's house. That is so hard for a little kid!
We have become really involved in our youth group at our church (they call it Element). We had a bonfire on the beach, a lock-in, a concert, and then services every Wednesday night. I am having a lot of fun with these kids. And hopefully making a difference in their lives! I got to have one of my friends from high school come and perform. He is called Son of Thunder and he performs Christian rap music. The kids really enjoyed it! Plus it was good to see him and the good things he is doing in his life.
We also decided to venture out there and get a puppy. One of our good friends bred their bulldogs. Jacob has wanted a bulldog for as long as I have known him. Well, we couldn't afford one... BUT, one of their puppies had to have a hernia removed on its tummy and the chest cavity closed up... so, they adopted him out to us. And he is just precious. I am still getting used to training a dog and having another little thing to watch in this house. But he is a cutie. Jacob named him Tank... how fitting!

We went to a family reunion on my mom's side of the family. It was the first time in a LONG time that all of us were together. Everyone was there. All 12 of my cousins and their families. It was a long drive with 3 kids to Snyder, but it was fun.

BUT, on the drive home, I started feeling really bad. My stomach was hurting terribly. I went to the great military doctors on that Monday and they thought I may have kidney stones. SO, I went to get a CT scan the next day. Luckily I did! They sent me straight to the hospital with an appendicitis. So, 2 days and $25,000 (thank God for insurance) later, I was home and all drugged up! I couldn't lift my baby for a week! It was no fun :( Thank goodness for my moms. They all came to help me with the house, the kids, and be my nurses.
Everything is finally feeling back to normal. Trinity is in school, I am back to work, and hopefully back into some kind of routine. I will be better about blogging in the future, I promise!
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