Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gavins Birthday Party!

We had a super fun birthday party for Gavin and his little cutie patootie BFF Cali on Sunday. We had a swimming party at Chris & Tasha's new house. The kids had a blast! I had so much fun making their birthday cake! Jacob and I sat down and pretty much played with play-doh (gum paste) to make the decorations for the cake. Jacob was a big help and we had a good time doing it together. I thought it turned out pretty good.

My handsome little birthday boy!Say CheeseMmmm... yummy icing
Another handful pleaseI don't want my hands dirty :)Yuck... get this off my hands!Ahhh... good to get dirtyWhat? Just eating my birthday cake!Bathtime. Why is my water green?
Getting cleanI can help with my presents. Just going to take a nibble on the bag.
So much fun! what do I play with first?
Trinity and Claire watching the present show.
Mommy helping open presents
Tasha and Cali out by the pool

Everyone swimming
The two birthday kiddos!
Why is everyone leaving?

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